Chicken Breasts Au Gratin in Chipotle Salsa (Ben) Metric

Chicken Breasts Au Gratin in Chipotle Salsa (Ben) Metric

3.3 19 évaluations
Préparation 30min
Total 1h
8 portions


  • manchego cheese cubed
    225 g
  • chipotle chillies, canned to taste
    30 g
  • cream cheese cubed
    200 g
  • whipping cream light
    200 g
  • sea salt to taste
    1 tsp
  • black pepper, freshly ground to taste
    1 tsp
  • onions quartered
    100 g
  • water
    100 g
  • sweetcorn kernels, frozen
    255 g
  • white button mushrooms, fresh quartered
    255 g
  • chicken breasts, skinless, boneless in large cubes (5 cm)
    5 - 6
  • ham, cooked, smoked cut into bite size pieces
    8 slices

Infos nut. par 1 portion

Calories 528 kcal / 2209 kJ
Protides 54 g
Lipides 29 g
Glucides 14 g
Fibre 3 g
Graisses saturées 9 g
Sodium 1122 mg

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