Disque cuisson Thermomix® requis

Afin de réaliser cette recette, vous avez besoin du Disque cuisson Thermomix®. En savoir plus

Speedy Chicken coleslaw salad (Thermomix®️ Cutter)

Speedy Chicken coleslaw salad (Thermomix®️ Cutter)

( Pas d’évaluation )


  • ½ white cabbage (approx. 650 g), thickest part of the core removed, cut in wedges to fit through feeder tube
  • 2 carrots trimmed and peeled

Poached chicken

  • 1500 g hot water
  • 1 ½ tsp Chicken stock paste
  • 400 - 500 g skinless chicken thigh fillets or chicken breast, cut into pieces (4-5 cm)
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 - 2 bunches fresh herbs (approx. 30 g)

Dressing and assembly

  • 50 g mayonnaise
  • 50 g natural yoghurt
  • 1 - 2 pinches sea salt
  • 1 - 2 pinches ground black pepper

Infos nut.
par 1 portion
174.8 kcal / 731.4 kJ
11.5 g
13.1 g
4.2 g
1.6 g
Graisses saturées
2.8 g
262.7 mg

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